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12 treff

  • Teenagers Taking Action

    Stages 8–10


    Teenagers Taking Action

    In this text, we meet four teenagers from different parts of the world who have found ways to be environmentally friendly.  Unit Focus learning words and expressions to describe environmental problems and solutions reading, writing and talking about environmental challenges and what we as individuals can do about them  gathering information, organising ideas and planning a five paragraph essayIn this text, we meet four teenagers from different parts of the world who have found ways to be environmentally friendly.  Unit Focus learning words and expressions to describe environmental problems and solutions reading, writing and talking about environmental challenges and what we as individuals can do about them  gathering information, organising ideas and planning a five paragraph essay

  • Climate Change

    Stages 8–10


    Climate Change

    Unit focus reading, writing and talking about climate change learning vocabulary having to do with climate change, global warming, and natural disastersUnit focus reading, writing and talking about climate change learning vocabulary having to do with climate change, global warming, and natural disasters

  • Connor’s Conscience

    Stages 8–10


    Connor’s Conscience

    Connor posts about his life on social media, and especially on what he does to be more environmentally friendly.  Unit Focus working with words that are easily confused reading and creating social media texts which combine textual and visual information learning words and expressions having to do with sustainable consumption Connor posts about his life on social media, and especially on what he does to be more environmentally friendly.  Unit Focus working with words that are easily confused reading and creating social media texts which combine textual and visual information learning words and expressions having to do with sustainable consumption 

  • Meatless Monday

    Stages 8–10


    Meatless Monday

    Anna learns that meat consumption in the world is expected to double from 2000 to 2005 and suggests that the family replace one meal a week with a vegetarian alternative. Not everyone thinks this is a good idea.  Unit Focus practise listening skills taking about sustainable food consumption and environmental problems related to meat production working with idiomsAnna learns that meat consumption in the world is expected to double from 2000 to 2005 and suggests that the family replace one meal a week with a vegetarian alternative. Not everyone thinks this is a good idea.  Unit Focus practise listening skills taking about sustainable food consumption and environmental problems related to meat production working with idioms

  • Fagstoff

    Bokbussen RØD/BLÅ


    Hvordan kan vi bruke ressursene mer bærekraftig i framtiden?

    For at vi skal få en mer bærekraftig ressursbruk i framtiden, trenger vi både politiske og teknologiske løsninger.

  • På tavla

    Bokbussen RØD/BLÅ



    En ressurs er noe vi mennesker har nytte av. Hva som regnes som en ressurs, har endret seg etter som vi har fått mer kunnskap og teknologi.

  • Fagstoff




      Norske fjell bidrar til å sikre vanntilgangen. Hvorfor det, tror du?

  • Fagstoff

    Arena 8–10



      I Sør-Varanger tas det jernmalm ut av fjellet. Hvordan tror du gruvedrift påvirker plante- og dyreliv i nærområdet her?

  • Fagstoff

    Arena 8–10



      Norsk jordbruk er viktig for matproduksjon og bosettingsmønster.

  • Fagstoff

    Arena 8–10



      Husene i bakgrunnen og forgrunnen på bildet fra Mumbai viser hvor store forskjeller i levekår det kan være i verden i dag. Bildet forteller oss likevel ikke alt. For det å ha gode eller dårlige levekår handler om mye mer enn bare huset man bor i. Levekår er de økonomiske og sosiale rammene rundt livet til folk. Levekårene til menneskene i husene på dette bildet påvirkes av hva slags infrastruktur, helse, utdanning og jobber de har tilgang på.

    Stor by. Store, moderne høyhus i bakgrunnen. Små treskur i forgrunnen.
  • Muntlig

    Fabel 8–10


    Snakk havets sak

    Åtte millioner tonn plast havner i havet hvert år. Plasten truer ikke bare dyrelivet, men også oss. 

    Gutt som svømmer under vann
  • Energibruk og miljø

    Solaris 8–10
