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16070 treff
Et toi, qui es-tu ?
Salut 8–10
Husker du fransk uttale?Husker du fransk uttale? Jobb sammen med en medelev, og si disse ordene høyt til hverandre: habiter, la ville, grands-parents, quinze, troisième, le collège, beaucoup, les vacances. Uttalemodul for fransk uttale.
Welcome to Targets!
Om Targets (2020)Targets følger læreplanen i engelsk, Vg1 studieforberedende utdanningsprogram (LK20).
Grammar Films with Tasks
VerbsWatch the film about nouns to solve the tasks. Remember that you can stop the film whenever you want and watch it as many times as you feel necessary.
Explore a School Restaurant
SpeakingDo the tasks on the following pages to improve your speaking skills and use the vocational vocabulary. Hotspot hunt (yellow) Speak about the pictures Job talks Phone conversation Ergonomics The Smiley System
Explore a Dog Training Workshop
Speak about the picturesUse the following pictures from the workshop to practice speaking about your work. Click to enlarge.
March, April
Stages 8–10
Earth DayWhat can you do to take care of the Earth?
Explore a School's Media Workshop
SpeakingDo the tasks on the following pages to improve your speaking skills and use the vocational vocabulary. Hotspot hunt (yellow) Speak about the pictures Job talks Customer service Solve a problem Phone conversation Giving instructions
Når ting ikke går som planlagt . . .
Solaris 8–10
Når ting ikke går som planlagt . . .I dette læringsløpet skal du lære om: Testing og behandling av SOI-er Nødprevensjon AbortI dette læringsløpet skal du lære om: Testing og behandling av SOI-er Nødprevensjon Abort
3 Who Can You Trust?
3 Who Can You Trust?Who published what you read on Instagram yesterday, and why? Did that post reach you by coincidence? What is the role of technology in our modern media world? Chapter 3 deals with sources and critical thinking. Below you can find tasks that supplement the texts in this chapter.
Essential Tools
Picture HuntGo on a picture hunt for images of the sales, service and tourism worker's tools. This task can be done in school or as homework. Make sure you ask for permission to take pictures and don't disturb other students or teachers if the task is done in school.
Explore a School's Bricklayer Workshop
SpeakingDo the tasks on the following pages to improve your speaking skills and use the vocational vocabulary. Hotspot hunt (yellow) Safety at work Solve a problem Job talk Phone conversation
Grammar Films with Tasks
ConcordWatch the film about nouns to solve the tasks. Remember that you can stop the film whenever you want and watch it as many times as you feel necessary.
Chapters 1–6
1 Let's CommunicateHere you find audio files related to chapter 1.
Hvordan er helse- og oppvekstsektoren organisert?
Stages 8–10
Videregående opplæringVideregående opplæring er gratis men ikke obligatorisk. Obligatorisk skole i ti år, rett til videregående opplæring i tre år. Obligatorisk skole i ti år, rett til videregående opplæring i tre år. De fleste yrkene innenfor helse- og oppvekstsektoren krever autorisasjon.De fleste yrkene innenfor helse- og oppvekstsektoren krever autorisasjon.
Chapter 3: Mock Exam
Part 3Answer the following task.
Chapter 6: Mock Exam
Part 3Answer the following task.
The Dragon and Saint George
Stages 8–10
Starting pointHere are some keywords from the story. Translate each word into Norwegian. Then work with a partner and explain the words to each other in English. saint – cave – lagoon – vapour – luncheon commotion – lottery – stench – weep
Born a Crime
Stages 8–10
Starting PointFind and watch a video clip where Trevor Noah explains why he was “born a crime”. Then explain to a partner in your own words how Noah was born a crime. Then do the task below.
Explore a School's Workshop
Explore a School's WorkshopIn this learning path you will explore an interactive 360 model from Kvadraturen Upper Secondary School's electrician workshop.
The Arriver’s Tale
Scope 1–2
The Arriver’s Taleas told to Abdulrazak Gurnah