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75 treff

  • July, August

    Mat og helse 8–10


  • January, February

    Stages 8–10


  • March, April

    Mat og helse 8–10


    April Fool's Day

    What is an April Fool's joke? 

  • Lifehack: How to Make Choices

    Stages 8–10


    Lifehack: How to Make Choices

    Unit Focus learning words and expressions having to do with choices using freewriting as a technique to get started on a writing assignmentUnit Focus learning words and expressions having to do with choices using freewriting as a technique to get started on a writing assignment

  • My Free Time

    Mat og helse 8–10


    My Free Time

    Listen to teens from all around the world talk about their free time activities. Unit Focus listening to teens talk about their free time interviewing classmates about their free time using the BBC website to read about sports talking about timeListen to teens from all around the world talk about their free time activities. Unit Focus listening to teens talk about their free time interviewing classmates about their free time using the BBC website to read about sports talking about time

  • Escape to Victory

    Mat og helse 8–10


    Escape to Victory

    In this text you can read the inspiring story of Danish footballer Nadia Nadim. Unit Focus reading and talking about overcoming hardship talking about who inspires us finding information about women football players learning football terminology in British and AmericanIn this text you can read the inspiring story of Danish footballer Nadia Nadim. Unit Focus reading and talking about overcoming hardship talking about who inspires us finding information about women football players learning football terminology in British and American

  • Songs

    Quest 5–7


    You've Got a Friend in Me

    Sangen "You've Got a Friend in Me".

  • July, August

    Stages 8–10


    International Day of Friendship

    What do you like to do with your friends?

  • Other texts

    Quest 5–7


    Top 10 Acts of Friendship

    En liste over ting som er hyggelig å gjøre for en venn.En liste over ting som er hyggelig å gjøre for en venn.

  • July, August

    Quest 5–7


  • Billy Elliot

    Mat og helse 8–10


    Billy Elliot

    Billy drops boxing and goes to ballet class instead. But then his dad shows up. Unit Focus reading and talking about following your dreams punctuating direct speech working with the past tenseBilly drops boxing and goes to ballet class instead. But then his dad shows up. Unit Focus reading and talking about following your dreams punctuating direct speech working with the past tense

  • Terminprøve høst 2020



    Terminprøve høst 2020

    om vennskap – identitet – selvfølelse – inkludering – likeverd – grenser – digital hverdagom vennskap – identitet – selvfølelse – inkludering – likeverd – grenser – digital hverdag

  • Films

    Momente 2


    Who inspires you to make a difference?

    En film om hvem som inspirer barn / forbildene deres.

  • Films

    Momente 2


    Quest News - Nettiquette

    Watch a film about nettiquette.

  • Films

    Quest 5–7


    Friends and Foes

    Watch the film and do the tasks.

  • Films

    Momente 2


    Do you think any of your talents will be important in your life?

    Listen to these children and discuss the question.

  • Shopping for Groceries

    Quest 5–7


    Shopping for Groceries

    En shopping-dialog.

  • Films

    Momente 2


    Should 12-year-olds be allowed to play as much as they want?

    Film med barn som diskuterer hvor mye 12-åringer bør spille.

  • People Need People

    Momente 2


    People Need People

    Læringsløp knyttet til innholdet i diktet People Need People av Benjamin Zephaniah.Læringsløp knyttet til innholdet i diktet People Need People av Benjamin Zephaniah.

  • Other texts

    Momente 2


    Boy on High Dive

    Oppgaver til bildet Boy on High Dive av Norman Rockwell.
