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73 treff

  • Les om det å vokse opp

    Fabel 8–10


    Alt jeg skylder deg er juling

    Skal jeg være helt ærlig, så finnes det ikke noe mer rensende enn å kjenne knyttneven treffe haka til en idiot. Ikke fordi jeg liker å skade andre. Heller ikke fordi jeg elsker å slåss. Men noen må ta igjen. Og jeg tar igjen med to knallharde never. Noen ganger et balltre. Jeg har fottøy med harde skotupper. Pannebrasken min er som en kanonkule. Blir du sprø av følelsene dine? Føler du deg rar og suveren på en gang? Les om det å vokse opp, så skjønner du at du ikke er alene. 

    En tegning av en knyttet neve. Hvit hånd med sorte tykke streker mot rød bakgrunn
  • July, August

    Mat og helse 8–10


  • Tekstsamling

    Fabel 8–10

    Litterær tekst

  • January, February

    Stages 8–10


  • March, April

    Stages 8–10


  • March, April

    Stages 8–10


    Earth Day

    What can you do to take care of the Earth?

  • Skrivelyst

    Fabel 8–10


    På skoleveien

    Ser du noe rart, fint, morsomt eller skummelt på vei til skolen? Ta et bilde, og skriv en liten tekst om det. Se på det Jesper, Moa, Emilie og alle de andre har skrevet, og bli inspirert! Ser du noe rart, fint, morsomt eller skummelt på vei til skolen? Ta et bilde, og skriv en liten tekst om det. Se på det Jesper, Moa, Emilie og alle de andre har skrevet, og bli inspirert! 

  • March, April

    Mat og helse 8–10


    April Fool's Day

    What is an April Fool's joke? 

  • God skolestart

    Tverrfaglig 8-10


    På skoleveien

    Ser du noe rart, fint, morsomt eller skummelt på vei til skolen? Ta et bilde, og skriv en liten tekst om det. Se på det Jesper, Moa, Emilie og alle de andre har skrevet, og bli inspirert! Ser du noe rart, fint, morsomt eller skummelt på vei til skolen? Ta et bilde, og skriv en liten tekst om det. Se på det Jesper, Moa, Emilie og alle de andre har skrevet, og bli inspirert! 

  • Lifehack: How to Make Choices

    Stages 8–10


    Lifehack: How to Make Choices

    Unit Focus learning words and expressions having to do with choices using freewriting as a technique to get started on a writing assignmentUnit Focus learning words and expressions having to do with choices using freewriting as a technique to get started on a writing assignment

  • My Free Time

    Mat og helse 8–10


    My Free Time

    Listen to teens from all around the world talk about their free time activities. Unit Focus listening to teens talk about their free time interviewing classmates about their free time using the BBC website to read about sports talking about timeListen to teens from all around the world talk about their free time activities. Unit Focus listening to teens talk about their free time interviewing classmates about their free time using the BBC website to read about sports talking about time

  • Nyhetsarkiv

    Stages 8–10


    Writing an Appeal: An Ocean of Possibilities

    Every year, eight million tons of plastic end up in the ocean. The plastic threatens animal life as well as human life. What can you do to help reduce plastic waste?

  • Teenagers Taking Action

    Stages 8–10


    Teenagers Taking Action

    In this text, we meet four teenagers from different parts of the world who have found ways to be environmentally friendly.  Unit Focus learning words and expressions to describe environmental problems and solutions reading, writing and talking about environmental challenges and what we as individuals can do about them  gathering information, organising ideas and planning a five paragraph essayIn this text, we meet four teenagers from different parts of the world who have found ways to be environmentally friendly.  Unit Focus learning words and expressions to describe environmental problems and solutions reading, writing and talking about environmental challenges and what we as individuals can do about them  gathering information, organising ideas and planning a five paragraph essay

  • Connor’s Conscience

    Stages 8–10


    Connor’s Conscience

    Connor posts about his life on social media, and especially on what he does to be more environmentally friendly.  Unit Focus working with words that are easily confused reading and creating social media texts which combine textual and visual information learning words and expressions having to do with sustainable consumption Connor posts about his life on social media, and especially on what he does to be more environmentally friendly.  Unit Focus working with words that are easily confused reading and creating social media texts which combine textual and visual information learning words and expressions having to do with sustainable consumption 

  • Meatless Monday

    Stages 8–10


    Meatless Monday

    Anna learns that meat consumption in the world is expected to double from 2000 to 2005 and suggests that the family replace one meal a week with a vegetarian alternative. Not everyone thinks this is a good idea.  Unit Focus practise listening skills taking about sustainable food consumption and environmental problems related to meat production working with idiomsAnna learns that meat consumption in the world is expected to double from 2000 to 2005 and suggests that the family replace one meal a week with a vegetarian alternative. Not everyone thinks this is a good idea.  Unit Focus practise listening skills taking about sustainable food consumption and environmental problems related to meat production working with idioms

  • Ukrainsk

    Åpne ressurser



    Eventyret "Pannekaka" oversatt til ukrainsk Eventyret "Pannekaka" oversatt til ukrainsk 

    En gris, hane, and, gås og høne sitter i gresset sammen med en pannekake.
  • July, August

    Stages 8–10


    International Day of Friendship

    What do you like to do with your friends?

  • Billy Elliot

    Mat og helse 8–10


    Billy Elliot

    Billy drops boxing and goes to ballet class instead. But then his dad shows up. Unit Focus reading and talking about following your dreams punctuating direct speech working with the past tenseBilly drops boxing and goes to ballet class instead. But then his dad shows up. Unit Focus reading and talking about following your dreams punctuating direct speech working with the past tense

  • Terminprøve vår 2021



    Alt jeg skylder deg er juling

    Skal jeg være helt ærlig, så finnes det ikke noe mer rensende enn å kjenne knyttneven treffe haka til en idiot. Ikke fordi jeg liker å skade andre. Heller ikke fordi jeg elsker å slåss. Men noen må ta igjen. Og jeg tar igjen med to knallharde never. Noen ganger et balltre. Jeg har fottøy med harde skotupper. Pannebrasken min er som en kanonkule.

    En tegning av en knyttet neve. Hvit hånd med sorte tykke streker mot rød bakgrunn
  • Kapittelveiledninger

    Fabel 8–10


    Kapittel 4: Diskuter

    Dette kapitlet er et kurskapittel i muntlige ferdigheter som bygger videre på kapitlet ”Si det” i Fabel 8. Målet er å videreutvikle elevenes strategier knyttet til muntlig aktivitet fra spontane og planlagte norskfaglige samtaler og presentasjoner, til å kunne delta aktivt i samtaler og diskusjoner.