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9 treff

  • July, August

    Mat og helse 8–10


  • March, April

    Mat og helse 8–10


    April Fool's Day

    What is an April Fool's joke? 

  • My Free Time

    Mat og helse 8–10


    My Free Time

    Listen to teens from all around the world talk about their free time activities. Unit Focus listening to teens talk about their free time interviewing classmates about their free time using the BBC website to read about sports talking about timeListen to teens from all around the world talk about their free time activities. Unit Focus listening to teens talk about their free time interviewing classmates about their free time using the BBC website to read about sports talking about time

  • Billy Elliot

    Mat og helse 8–10


    Billy Elliot

    Billy drops boxing and goes to ballet class instead. But then his dad shows up. Unit Focus reading and talking about following your dreams punctuating direct speech working with the past tenseBilly drops boxing and goes to ballet class instead. But then his dad shows up. Unit Focus reading and talking about following your dreams punctuating direct speech working with the past tense

  • Films

    Momente 2


    Quest News - Nettiquette

    Watch a film about nettiquette.

  • Films

    Momente 2


    How the Body Works

    Film og spørsmål til temaet How the Body Works.

  • Intro – How the Body Works

    Momente 2


    Intro – How the Body Works

    Læringsløp som introduserer temaet og som repeterer og utvider ordforrådet knyttet til temaet kroppen.Læringsløp som introduserer temaet og som repeterer og utvider ordforrådet knyttet til temaet kroppen.

  • July, August

    Momente 2


    International Day of Friendship

    What do you like to do with your friends?

    En gruppe folk står i en sirkel og holder hendene sine over hverandre.
  • Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

    Momente 2


    Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Tips

    En tekst om hvordan man kan redusere forbruket og gjenbruke og resirkulere ting.En tekst om hvordan man kan redusere forbruket og gjenbruke og resirkulere ting.
