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576 treff

  • Intro – Let's Read!

    Quest 1–4


    Intro – Let's Read!

    Læringsløp til temaet "Let's Read"Læringsløp til temaet "Let's Read"

    En gammel mann kjøper is i iskremboden. Han har en avis under armen og leser iskrem-menyen som står utenfor iskremboden
  • Hva er ytringsfrihet?

    Åpne ressurser


    Ytringsfrihet er en menneskerettighet

    Artikkel om ytringsfrihet.Artikkel om ytringsfrihet.

    En illustrasjon av et halv ansikt fullt av skrift. Midt i bildet står en liten figur og ser utover landskapet med tekst. Bak figuren er det en dør med et skilt hvor det står skriving i stor skrift. Teksten i ansiktet er hentet fra hele kapitlet, og handler om skriftlig kommunikasjon.
  • Nyhetsarkiv

    Stages 8–10


    Writing an Appeal: An Ocean of Possibilities

    Every year, eight million tons of plastic end up in the ocean. The plastic threatens animal life as well as human life. What can you do to help reduce plastic waste?

  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    Stages 8–10


    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    Unit Focus reading, writing and speaking about democracy and citizenship using relative pronouns evaluating sources using quotes and referencesUnit Focus reading, writing and speaking about democracy and citizenship using relative pronouns evaluating sources using quotes and references

  • Verb

    Nye Zeppelin



    Læringsløp om verb i Nye Zeppelin 4Læringsløp om verb i Nye Zeppelin 4

  • Prepositions

    Quest 1–4



    Læringsløp om engelske preposisjonerLæringsløp om engelske preposisjoner

    Zoom henger oppned og peker til høgre. I snakkeboblen står det språklære.
  • Teenagers Taking Action

    Stages 8–10


    Teenagers Taking Action

    In this text, we meet four teenagers from different parts of the world who have found ways to be environmentally friendly.  Unit Focus learning words and expressions to describe environmental problems and solutions reading, writing and talking about environmental challenges and what we as individuals can do about them  gathering information, organising ideas and planning a five paragraph essayIn this text, we meet four teenagers from different parts of the world who have found ways to be environmentally friendly.  Unit Focus learning words and expressions to describe environmental problems and solutions reading, writing and talking about environmental challenges and what we as individuals can do about them  gathering information, organising ideas and planning a five paragraph essay

  • Connor’s Conscience

    Stages 8–10


    Connor’s Conscience

    Connor posts about his life on social media, and especially on what he does to be more environmentally friendly.  Unit Focus working with words that are easily confused reading and creating social media texts which combine textual and visual information learning words and expressions having to do with sustainable consumption Connor posts about his life on social media, and especially on what he does to be more environmentally friendly.  Unit Focus working with words that are easily confused reading and creating social media texts which combine textual and visual information learning words and expressions having to do with sustainable consumption 

  • Meatless Monday

    Stages 8–10


    Meatless Monday

    Anna learns that meat consumption in the world is expected to double from 2000 to 2005 and suggests that the family replace one meal a week with a vegetarian alternative. Not everyone thinks this is a good idea.  Unit Focus practise listening skills taking about sustainable food consumption and environmental problems related to meat production working with idiomsAnna learns that meat consumption in the world is expected to double from 2000 to 2005 and suggests that the family replace one meal a week with a vegetarian alternative. Not everyone thinks this is a good idea.  Unit Focus practise listening skills taking about sustainable food consumption and environmental problems related to meat production working with idioms

  • Kids Can Save the Planet

    Quest 5–7


    Find out

    Utforskende oppgave hvor elevene skal fortelle om barn som har gjort en forskjell.

  • Ukrainsk

    Åpne ressurser



    Eventyret "Pannekaka" oversatt til ukrainsk Eventyret "Pannekaka" oversatt til ukrainsk 

    En gris, hane, and, gås og høne sitter i gresset sammen med en pannekake.
  • Intro – The Three Rs

    Quest 5–7


    Earth, We’re in it Together

    Sang knyttet til bærekraftig utvikling.

  • Saktekster

    Fabel 5–7


    =Oslo åpner for flere stemmer

    Elevene leser en tekst fra gatemagasinet =Oslo, og arbeider med oppgaver til teksten. De skriver også sin egen ytring. 

  • Grammatikk

    Fabel 1–4


    Lær om: Verb

    Innhold om verb i Fabel 3–4.

    Fabeldyret skyver fire bøker foran seg.
  • Fiction

    Quest 1–4


    The Wake-up Call

    Tekst til temaet A Day in My LifeTekst til temaet A Day in My Life

  • Oppstart

    Fokus Sosialkunnskap



    Læringsløp om eventyrLæringsløp om eventyr

    Fabel løper fra startområdet.
  • Songs

    Quest 5–7


    The 3 Rs Song

    En sang om de tre r-ene reduce , reuse og recycle .

  • September, October

    Stages 8–10


    United Nations Day

    This is a day that celebrates friendship and co-operation between the countries in the United Nations. It is a day to think about peace and human rights.

  • January, February

    Quest 5–7


  • Kreative bokstaver



    Bokstaven Ss

    Bokstaven S I bokstavinnlæringen er det fint å kunne benytte seg av kreative, taktile og multisensoriske arbeidsmåter. Her finner du enkle formingsaktiviteter til hver av de 29 bokstavene i alfabetet. Alt du trenger er fargestifter, saks og limstift. Mange av aktivitetene er dessuten rene fargeleggingsoppgaver.  Du finner bokmåls- og nynorskversjon i samme PDF.

    S for stjerne