- Norsk (1113)
- Engelsk (628)
- Psykologi (483)
- Informasjonsteknologi (292)
- Historie (290)
- Matematikk (245)
- Kjemi (193)
- Fysikk (155)
- Sosiologi og sosialantropologi (146)
- Geofag (141)
- Religion og etikk (130)
- Spansk (101)
- Naturfag (99)
- Sosialkunnskap (83)
- Tysk (70)
- 10. trinn (6339)
- 8. trinn (6339)
- 9. trinn (6339)
- Vg1 (4646)
- 5. trinn (4548)
- 6. trinn (4548)
- 7. trinn (4548)
- 1. trinn (4343)
- 2. trinn (4343)
- 3. trinn (4331)
- 4. trinn (4329)
- Vg2 (2269)
- Vg3 (1179)
- Alf Tomas Tønnessen (3)
- Erik Mustad (2)
- Nils H. Korsvoll (2)
- Stephen King (2)
- Abdulrazak Gurnah (1)
- Agnes Ravatn (1)
- Agnete Andersen Bueie (1)
- D.H. Lawrence (1885–1930) (1)
- Else Werring og Ingun Steen Andersen (1)
- James Stephen Henry (1)
- Katherine Mansfield (1888–1923) (1)
- Ray Bradbury (1)
- Roald Dahl (1)
- Sonja Nygaard-Joki (1)
- Vebjørn Horsfjord (1)
1179 treff
The Arriver’s Tale
Scope 1–2
The Arriver’s Taleas told to Abdulrazak Gurnah
Chapter Resources
Scope 1–2
Short Version: Singapore – A Case Against Democracy?Below you can read a shorter version of the text “Singapore – A Case Against Democracy?”.
Depp vs. Heard: Freedom of Expression in the Age of Social Media
Scope 1–2
Heard's op-edBelow, you will find a link to Amber Heard's op-ed fra 2018. US actor Johnny Depp arriving at the Fairfax County Circuit Court in Fairfax, Virginia, on April 13, 2022; and actress Amber Heard leaving the Fairfax County Circuit Court on April 11, 2022.
What Writing Is
Scope 1–2
What Writing IsRead the text below. Read the text below.
The Great Gatsby: Record and Reflect
Scope 1–2
Dialogue 3: “You can’t repeat the past”First check your vocabulary, then practice your lines and finally make a recording of the dialouge.
The Best of Both Worlds?
Scope 1–2
Where Are You From?Listen to the sound file and answer the questions.
Inequality in the UK
Scope 1–2
Addtitional materialsUseful sources
Multicultural Societies
Scope 1–2
Multicultural Societies and CovidConsider the impact, both short term and long term, covid has had on western multicultural societies where one finds diaspora from the developing countries.
Intercultural Communication
Scope 1–2
Hand GesturesYou might think that the meaning of hand gestures is shared around the world. However, your compliment might be received as an insult in another culture, and vice versa.
Velkommen til Naturfag Påbygging
Naturfag Påbygging
VelkommenHer finner du lærestoff til Naturfag Påbygging. Kapittelinndelingen er som i læreboka. Hvert kapittel inneholder blant annet interaktive oppgaver, forsøk og filmer. I tillegg finner du ressurser til utforskende arbeidsmetoder og programmering. Er du logget inn som lærer, finner du lærerressursene øverst på denne siden. Twig-filmer ligger nederst på siden.
The Arriver’s Tale
Scope 1–2
The Arriver’s TaleA refugee tale told to Noble Prize winner Abdulrazak Gurnah. as told to Abdulrazak Gurnah
Inequality in the UK
Scope 1–2
ExtensionWriting about inequality
Cancel Culture vs. Free Speech
Scope 1–2
7: Position PaperWrite a position paper where you express your views on the issue of free speech vs. cancel culture. See guidelines for “Writing a Position Paper” on page 74 in Scope 1 .
What Writing Is
Scope 1–2
What Writing IsRead the text below.
Building Sentences and Text
Scope 1–2
ExplanationBuilding sentences and text
The Fat Black Woman Goes Shopping
Scope 1–2
Grace Nichols and GuyanaThe poet Grace Nichols was born in Guyana. English is the official language of the country because it became a British possession in 1815.
Multiculturalism in Britain
Scope 1–2
Multiculturalism in Britain: Using StatisticsGo to the Office for National Statistics website (ons.gov.uk) and then to the section on population and migration.
3 Bioteknologi og genteknologi (Twig-filmer fra Lokus)
Naturfag Påbygging
Crazy Rich Asians
Scope 1–2
Crazy Rich AsiansUse the film adaptation of Kevin Kwan's novel Crazy Rich Asians to discuss themes such as identity, cultural differences, prejudice, wealth, family and tradition. Here you will find tasks and activities where you get to know the author, read excerpts from the novel, learn about the Chinese diaspora, analyse symbols and themes, discuss engaging topics with your peers, and practice creative writing.
English On-Screen
Scope 1–2
English On-Screen: Specific VocabularyTo be able to read a text without too much effort, it is necessary to have knowledge of the text's most significant words. The more specific a text is, the more specific vocabulary is needed to understand the text's message. The tasks below helps you practice key vocabulary from the article on page 193 in Scope 1 .