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- 1. trinn (3054)
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- Henrik Ibsen (20)
- Ane Stavrum (18)
- Henrik Wergeland (11)
- Alexander Kielland (10)
- Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson (10)
- Mette Haraldsen (10)
- Demian Vitanza (7)
- Hege Siri (7)
- Johan Sebastian Welhaven (7)
14486 treff
3/5 Issues in the USA
The spirit of the American Dream is to work hard and dream big. However, many Americans only see the benefits of the American Dream - for instance, access to education, healthcare and opportunity - on a TV screen. Study and learn more about issues in the United States, such as racism, born rich, insurance, healthcare, living outside the dream, immigration, undocumented workers, gun control, and so on. Is the American Dream really for all?
2/5 Explore the USA
1/5 Prepare to Live and Work in a Global World
"THE WORLD IS YOUR OYSTER" and you have the opportunity to go anywhere in the world and achieve anything you wish. Information and most jobs nowadays include global communication, so explore the world of English world issues global work
1/5 Fill Your Toolbox
WELL DONE, you are on your way to becoming vocational hero! In a global future, you need English skills work tools learning tools workmates motivation So, ready ... set ... Action. Fill your toolbox!
2/5 Know Your Workmates
You are going to spend a lot of time together this year. Do various activities to get to know each other better.
2/5 Language and Culture
In this chapter part you will learn how CULTURE affects COMMUNICATION. Remember to keep your mind map from part 1/5 open and keep adding key words as you work. Foreigners tend to overdress in Norway Norwegians wear informal clothing in most situations culture affects level of formality of greeting, dressing and behaviour Different expectations can lead to annoyance and insults Always base your langauge on message, receiver and situation Literature to examplify: "The Social Guidebook to Norway" pp 58-59 and "Empty Seat" pp 60-61 Examples of cultural meetings pp 63-65
4/5 English as a Work Language
"A language becomes a global language because of the power of the people who speak it." - David Crystal (2009) This part will contain material adapted to each of the vocational education and training programmes, including: Cultural meetings The international workplace Vocational vocabulary lists How to get a job: Soft and hard skills Job adverts, CV and job application with model texts Job interview (video)
4/5 Work in the UK
This part will contain material adapted to each of the vocational education and training programmes, including: Keep calm and be polite – useful phrases Working in the service sector - customer communication How to make good conversations How to read and create instructions
3/5 Issues in the UK
Issues in the UK: Class society Teen challenges Extract from Slam by Nick Hornby (2007) Drug abuse in the UK Other current issues
3/5 Issues in the UK
Del av læringsløpet "Hva mener du?" i Fabel 2.
Del av læringsløpet "Hva mener du?" i Fabel 2.
Del av læringsløpet "Hva mener du?" i Fabel 2.
Qu'est-ce que tu as fait pendant les vacances ?
Salut 8–10
Mes vêtements préférésSkriv en tekst i Mon journal der du sier noe om din klesstil. Bruk tekstene om Gabriel og Imane til inspirasjon. Du kan bruke tittelen Mes vêtements préférés .
En pleine forme !
Salut 8–10
Lettre à ma famille d'accueilSkriv en tekst i Mon journal der du forestiller deg at du skal på utveksling til Frankrike.
En pleine forme !
Salut 8–10
Lève-toi et chante !Reis dere alle sammen, syng med og mim sangen Si tu as d'la joie au cœur (melodi: Er du veldig glad og vet det). Teksten får du av læreren.
1/5 Dream Big
1/5 Dream BigTHE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is a superpower made up of immigrants. At one point, they came to the USA seeking prosperity and a better life. Now, they are part of one of the most influential nations in the world. However, there are challenges to the modern American Dream, such as unemployment, poverty and an increasing divide between rich and poor. In this chapter join us in exploring the USA, thei values and issues further. Their independence and can-do spirit are traits to study and include in your own personal and professional life.
4/5 Work in the USA
4/5 Work in the USAThis part will contain material adapted to each of the vocational education and training programmes, including: Industry in the USA Unions HSE Use of vocabulary lists Work report
God i norsk 3
Historisk tidslinjeIngress
God i norsk 1
Lytt til sammensatte ordLytteoppgave. Lytt og gjenta ordene.