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11369 treff
Psykologi 1–2
Influenserbransjen og «Sunn fornuft-plakaten»Følger du en influenser på sosiale medier? Har du eventuelt tenkt på i hvilken grad hun eller han påvirker deg på noen måte? For å få vite mer kan du sette deg inn i bransjens egne retningslinjer for sunn kroppsblogging og se et debattprogram eller en dokumentar om temaet.
FBIE Essential Tools
Picture HuntGo on a picture hunt for images of the Hairdressing, flowers, interior and retail designer's tools. This task can be done in school or as homework. Make sure you ask for permission to take pictures and don't disturb other students or teachers if the task is done in school.
THE WORLD OF ENGLISHWith all the tools from Action, you can now explore the world at your own leisure! In this fifth and final chapter, use your toolbox and all your knowledge as you prepare to live and work in the world of English: Explore the world of English World issues Work in a global world
January, February
Stages 8–10
Sami National DayWhat do you know about this day?
Four British Teens
Stages 8–10
Digital DiveEngland’s top football competition is the Premier League. More people watch Premier League games live and on television than any other sport. The teams in the Premier League vary every year. Use the internet and a map of England to find where each club is located. Some are from the same city! iStock/Pixfly
Eleanor & Park
Stages 8–10
Writing WorkshopImagine that Eleanor is your friend. Write a dialogue where you discuss what she should do about prom. Eleanor: Prom is so lame! Me: What do you think is so lame about it? Eleanor: …
Chapters 1–6
3 Who Can You Trust?Here you find audio files related to chapter 3.
What Is Success?
What Is Success?The American Dream is a dream of a land where all people can succeed through hard work. It is also an idea that suggests that all people have the potential to live happy, successful lives. But what does it really mean to be successful?
1 Let's Communicate
1 Let's CommunicateTo communicate in English means to use language to convey meaning in formal and informal settings. However, communication is not always verbal. Chapter 1 in Targets deals with communication skills and different forms of communication. Below you will find tasks and other material that supplement the texts in the chapter.
The Famine
Stages 8–10
Speaking SpotRead the poem to each other in pairs. Look at the picture on of immigrants on a boat approaching New York. Work with a partner and prepare a role play. Play out the conversation between two of the immigrants on deck.
Poster: USAMake this quick poster for a group discussion and preparation for further work. Remember, it is the process, not the result that is important!
A Boy’s Best Friend
Stages 8–10
Starting PointThis story is set in a place that has large craters . The ground is smooth and crunchy . There is less gravity than on Earth. Where do you think the story takes place? Translate the underlined words.
Explore the Sales Assistant Job
Explore the Sales Assistant JobIn this learning path you will explore the sales assistant job. We will use examples from Tangen Upper Secondary School's Cafeteria and Shop as a starting point.
On the Come Up
Task 3 Page 43: More Statistics and LinksThe links below can be used if you want to investigate the topic of task 3, page 43 further.
Percy Jackson
Stages 8–10
Starting PointMatch the Greek god with the correct description. Aphrodite Apollo Poseidon Hades Zeus god of the underworld goddess of love and beauty father of the gods god of the sea god of the sun and music
Intercultural Communication
Scope 1–2
Hand GesturesYou might think that the meaning of hand gestures is shared around the world. However, your compliment might be received as an insult in another culture, and vice versa.
Fokus Samfunnskunnskap
Er noen menneskerettigheter viktigere enn andre?Hvis vi måtte klart oss uten noen av menneskerettighetene, hvilke skulle det vært?
Moveable Feasts
Stages 8–10
Pancake DayWhat are the children doing?
A Suitable Translator?Do we need to have the same background as someone to be able to understand and interpret them with any kind of credibility?
November, December
Mat og helse 8–10