- Anne Tveit (71)
- Liv Guldal (67)
- Synnøve Pettersen (42)
- Felicia Røkaas (39)
- Lars Gunnar Lingås (37)
- Lucy Hermoza (21)
- Ukjent Forfatter (21)
- Henrik Ibsen (20)
- Cathrine Borchsenius (17)
- Ane Stavrum (16)
- Henrik Wergeland (11)
- Alexander Kielland (10)
- Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson (10)
- Mette Haraldsen (9)
- Tonje Gauslaa Sivertzen (8)
45 treff
Stages 8–10
Stages 8–10
Word PowerS8_K02_L03_WP
Stages 8–10
UnderstandingCloubi, S8_K02_L03_Understanding
Tekster om språk og identitet
Fabel 8–10
Stolt av det samiskeTROMSØ (VG): VG har snakket med fire unge samer om hvordan det er å være samisk i 2021. Alle fire er stolte av kulturen sin – men det kan også oppleves ubehagelig å vise den frem.
Ex Poser
Stages 8–10
Creative CornerRole-play the story. You will need three characters: Sandra, the narrator and Boffin.
Fabel 8–10
Litterær tekst
Stolt av det samiskeTROMSØ (VG): VG har snakket med fire unge samer om hvordan det er å være samisk i 2021. Alle fire er stolte av kulturen sin – men det kan også oppleves ubehagelig å vise den frem.
The World’s Oldest First Grader
Stages 8–10
Creative CornerFind the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in child friendly language . Divide the rights between your classmates and make posters for them.
Stages 8–10
Vocabulary for greeting peopleHow do we greet people when we meet them? Look at the picture, and do the task.
Bøker, filmer og nettsteder
Stages 8–10
WebsitesVåre anbefalte nettsider til Stages 8.
Bøker, filmer og nettsteder
Stages 8–10
FilmsVåre filmanbefalinger til Stages 8.
Bøker, filmer og nettsteder
Stages 8–10
BooksVåre bokanbefalinger til Stages 8:
Other verb tasks
Stages 8–10
Subject and verbMarker teksten-oppgave som trener identifisering av subjekt og verbal.
Following Boo
Stages 8–10
SpellingOppgave til kapittelet Amazing Animals i Stages 8.
Following Boo
Stages 8–10
CrosswordOppgave til kapittelet Amazing Animals i Stages 8.
Amazing stories
Stages 8–10
Litterær tekst
Reasons to Learn English
Stages 8–10
Reasons to Learn EnglishLook at the list. Do you agree that these reasons are good reasons? Are they the same reasons you discussed during the Starting Point task?
Stages 8–10
Starting PointLook at the girl in the picture. What is she worried about? Write down your thoughts in a notebook.
The Three Little Pigs
Stages 8–10
Creative CornerCreative Corner Work in groups of six and role-play the story. You will need a narrator, the three little pigs, the wolf and Red Riding Hood.
Finding a Friend
Stages 8–10
Starting PointMake an acrostic poem for FRIEND. An acrostic poem uses the letters in a topic word to begin each line. Here is one for SCHOOL. S chedule C lasses H omework O rganization O pportunity L earning
Smart Ice Cream
Stages 8–10
Creative CornerWord Pyramids Can you create a word pyramid like this? Start with a single letter. Every word uses the same letter(s) as the word before and adds one more. Use one of these letters to start: O, E, A, U, I, G, M, N, S, T, W, P, H, B Example: A A N R A N R A I N B R A I NWord Pyramids Can you create a word pyramid like this? Start with a single letter. Every word uses the same letter(s) as the word before and adds one more. Use one of these letters to start: O, E, A, U, I, G, M, N, S, T, W, P, H, B Example: A A N R A N R A I N B R A I N