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10180 treff
March, April
Stages 8–10
Earth DayWhat can you do to take care of the Earth?
Store spørsmål 8–10
Presentasjon: Dyrs rettigheterFinnes det dyr som er mer verdt enn andre? Hvorfor eller hvorfor ikke? Bør dyr ha de samme rettighetene som mennesker? Hvilke utfordringer ville det i så fall ført til? Lag en presentasjon.
The Dragon and Saint George
Stages 8–10
Starting pointHere are some keywords from the story. Translate each word into Norwegian. Then work with a partner and explain the words to each other in English. saint – cave – lagoon – vapour – luncheon commotion – lottery – stench – weep
Born a Crime
Stages 8–10
Starting PointFind and watch a video clip where Trevor Noah explains why he was “born a crime”. Then explain to a partner in your own words how Noah was born a crime. Then do the task below.
The Arriver’s Tale
Scope 1–2
The Arriver’s Taleas told to Abdulrazak Gurnah
A Boy’s Best Friend
Stages 8–10
Writing WorkshopWrite a paragraph about Jimmy. Start your paragraph like this: Jimmy is the main character in the science fiction story “A Boy’s Best Friend”. Here are some questions to get you going:
7 Mellomkrigstid og annen verdenskrig i Norge
Arena 8–10
Innledning og oppstartDette kapitlet dekker mellomkrigsperioden og annen verdenskrig i Norge. Selv om mellomkrigstiden og annen verdenskrig er behandlet i to kapitler (globalt perspektiv i kapittel 6 og norsk perspektiv i 7), kan man gjerne slå de to kapitlene sammen. Det er uansett viktig å trekke linjer slik at elevene forstår at hendelser i Norge hang sammen med globale hendelser – slik det ofte gjør.
The British
Stages 8–10
Speaking SpotExplaining words Find the meanings of these words and prepare to explain them to your classmates: diversity melting pot multicultural unity justice equality ethnicity cultural background minority prejudice Ask your teacher for a set of flashcards. Sit in groups and take turns explainingthe words on the cards.
Chapter Resources
Scope 1–2
Short Version: Singapore – A Case Against Democracy?Below you can read a shorter version of the text “Singapore – A Case Against Democracy?”.
Depp vs. Heard: Freedom of Expression in the Age of Social Media
Scope 1–2
Heard's op-edBelow, you will find a link to Amber Heard's op-ed fra 2018. US actor Johnny Depp arriving at the Fairfax County Circuit Court in Fairfax, Virginia, on April 13, 2022; and actress Amber Heard leaving the Fairfax County Circuit Court on April 11, 2022.
Stages 8–10
LydfilerHer finner du lydfiler til Stages 10.
What Writing Is
Scope 1–2
What Writing IsRead the text below. Read the text below.
The Great Gatsby: Record and Reflect
Scope 1–2
Dialogue 3: “You can’t repeat the past”First check your vocabulary, then practice your lines and finally make a recording of the dialouge.
The Best of Both Worlds?
Scope 1–2
Where Are You From?Listen to the sound file and answer the questions.
Sporty Family
Stages 8–10
Feeling Peckish
Stages 8–10
Moveable Feasts
Mat og helse 8–10
November, December
Stages 8–10
Nigeria – The Giant of Africa
Stages 8–10
Digital diveTake a digital dive! Do the tasks.
Inequality in the UK
Scope 1–2
Addtitional materialsUseful sources