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10145 treff
Til eleven
Terminprøver 8-10
Del 2 Videreformidling av innholdI denne oppgavetypen skal du kort videreformidle informasjon og innhold i noe du leser eller hører. Teksten og oppgaven finner du på oppgavearket.
Til eleven
Terminprøver 8-10
1 What is Nutella?Listen to the recording and answer the question on your worksheet.
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8B Bad Artist, Beautiful Art: HakimListen to the recording and answer the question on your worksheet.
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8 Pros and Cons: National Guidelines for Social MediaListen to the recording and answer the question on your worksheet.
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9 How to Make SconesRead the text and do the two tasks on your worksheet.
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Terminprøver 8-10
2 Gated GlamourListen to the recording and answer the question on your worksheet.
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8A Bad Artist, Beautiful Art: TheoListen to the recording and answer the question on your worksheet.
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Terminprøver 8-10
17 How to Speak CatRead the text and answer the question on your worksheet.
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6 BookTokListen to the recording and answer the question on your worksheet.
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17 Books and BytesRead the text and answer the questions on your worksheet.
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5 DiamondsListen to the recording and answer the question on your worksheet.
Forberedelsesmateriale 9. trinn
Terminprøver 8-10
5BYou will find the task on your worksheet.
Forberedelsesmateriale 9. trinn
Terminprøver 8-10
1A Make the World a Better PlaceListen and do the task on your worksheet.
Forberedelsesmateriale 9. trinn
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1D Usain BoltListen and do the task on your worksheet.
Til lærer
Terminprøver 8-10
LærerveiledningHer finner du info om oppgavetypene, vurderingskriterier og vekting av oppgaver.
Forberedelsesmateriale 8. trinn
Terminprøver 8-10
2B The Viking AgeRead the text and do the task on your worksheet.
Forberedelsesmateriale 10. trinn
Terminprøver 8-10
3 MediationYou are going to listen to a text exploring if the use of dubbing or subtitles can explain the differences in English language skills across Europe. Listen to the text and do the task on your worksheet.
Forberedelsesmateriale 10. trinn
Terminprøver 8-10
1E Cleng PeersonListen and do the task on your worksheet.
Forberedelsesmateriale 8. trinn
Terminprøver 8-10
5BYou will find the task on your worksheet.
Forberedelsesmateriale 10. trinn
Terminprøver 8-10
2G The Fable of the Eagle Raised as a ChickenRead the text and do the task on your worksheet.