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10111 treff

  • Explore a School Restaurant



    Blog Post

    The customer is always right! Or? A common phrase in the service sector is that the customer is always right, but demanding customers can be one of the hardest parts of a job.  You have just completed four weeks of work experience at the restuarant. During the four weeks you met, talked to and helped various customers that made you reflect upon the saying.

  • Explore a Dog Training Workshop



    Vocabulary Challenge

    Find the orange hotspot in the workshop. Search online for a similar illustration to use as translation help. Remember to add words to your personal wordlist . If you have already downloaded this, use your saved version.

  • Artikler

    Helse- og oppvekstfag


    Hvem? Hva? Hvor?

    Nytt skoleår, ny klasse og nye bekjentskaper. Og med dette som bakteppe, inviteres det til en uhøytidelig bli kjent lek.   

  • Kapitler

    Helse- og oppvekstfag


    Den internasjonale dagen mot matsvinn

    Den internasjonale dagen mot matsvinn er den 29. september. Dette bør markeres med en bevisstgjøring.

  • Learn the Recovery Position

    Stages 8–10


    Stand up if ...

    Sit in a circle. Your teacher will call out different situations. If you know what to do, stand up. Then explain what to do.

  • Learn the Recovery Position

    Stages 8–10


    Creative Corner

    Recovery position role play Practice the recovery position with a partner. Take turns playing the patient.    In an emergency: STAY CALM

  • Learn the Recovery Position

    Stages 8–10


    Digital Dive

    Go online to find out how to give . Take notes on what you find. Then explain the procedure to a partner. 

    En thumb for kart, jordkloden og verden. Jordkloden er grønn.
  • Learn the Recovery Position

    Stages 8–10


    Starting Point

    It is Saturday night, and you and your friends are at a party. Suddenly a boy falls to the floor, . What should you do? What might happen if you do nothing?

  • Learn the Recovery Position

    Stages 8–10


    First Aid Vocabulary

    What are these items called? What do we use them for?

  • Learn the Recovery Position

    Stages 8–10


    Writing Workshop

    Do the tasks.

  • The Starfish

    Stages 8–10


    Listening skills

    Listen to the information about starfish and decide if the statements are true or false.

  • The Starfish

    Stages 8–10


    Listening Skills

    Listen to the audiofile about starfish and decide if the statements are true or false. Starfish is the correct name because they are fish. All starfish have five arms. If a starfish loses an arm, it can grow back. Starfish can only live in salt water. There are about 200 different species of starfish. Starfish pump water instead of blood through their bodies. Starfish sometimes eat fish.

  • 10. trinn

    Stages 8–10



    Her finner du lydfilene til Listening Skills-oppgavene. 

  • Lær å tegne




    Thors tegneinstruksjoner. Lær å tegne en heks. Lær klassen å tegne morsomme dyr og figurer med Thors tegneinstruksjoner. Hvert ark viser deg en skritt-for-skritt manual for å tegne en figur, med et eget tegnefelt under. Her er det bare å prøve seg! 

  • The Dragon and Saint George

    Stages 8–10


    Language lab

    It or there ? Use it is about time, distance and weather. It is seven o’clock. It is three kilometres. It is   raining. Use there is/are when you can say det finnes /der er instead of det er in Norwegian. Look! There is a dragon in the garden. No, there are two dragons in the garden.    

  • What Is for Dinner?

    Quest 1–4


    What Is for Dinner?

    Læringsløpet "What Is for Dinner?" i temaet "Boy, I Am Hungry"Læringsløpet "What Is for Dinner?" i temaet "Boy, I Am Hungry"

    En dame står ved komfyren og smiler til en gutt som står på gulvet bak henne.
  • Lær å tegne




    Thors tegneinstruksjoner. Lær å tegne en ape. Lær klassen å tegne morsomme dyr og figurer med Thors tegneinstruksjoner. Hvert ark viser deg en skritt-for-skritt manual for å tegne en figur, med et eget tegnefelt under. Her er det bare å prøve seg! 

  • Explore a School Cafeteria



    Information Leaflet

    Communication is key, and you are asked by your supervisor to make an information leaflet to help your colleagues communicate with foreign customers in English. Watch the video to your right to get started.

  • Chapter test (pdf) FASIT

    Quest 1–4


  • Chapter test (pdf)

    Quest 1–4
