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259 treff

  • March, April

    Stages 8–10


    Earth Day

    What can you do to take care of the Earth?

  • 3 Bioteknologi og genteknologi (Twig-filmer fra Lokus)

    Naturfag Påbygging


  • March, April

    Stages 8–10


  • Nok til alle, for alltid

    Solaris 1–4


    Nok til alle, for alltid

    Læringsløp i naturfag om bærekraftig utvikling.Læringsløp i naturfag om bærekraftig utvikling.

    To gutter og to jenter leker sammen oppe i en vogn med hjul.
  • Fiction

    Gente 8–10


    On the Way to School

    Tekst til temaet A Day in My LifeTekst til temaet A Day in My Life

    En gutt løper til skolen. Han vinker og smiler.
  • Verbs

    Quest 1–4



    Læringsløp til A Day in My LifeLæringsløp til A Day in My Life

    Zoom hopper tau. i snakkeboblen står det språklære.
  • Verbs

    Gente 8–10



    You will learn about verbs.

  • Sentences

    Gente 8–10


    Make Silly Sentences

    Oppgave om setninger og verb

  • Verbs

    Quest 1–4


  • Hit

    Gente 8–10


    Hit verbs

    Spill med ord

  • My Quest

    Gente 8–10


    Match the Words

    Oppgave om ord

  • Nyhetsarkiv

    Stages 8–10


    Writing an Appeal: An Ocean of Possibilities

    Every year, eight million tons of plastic end up in the ocean. The plastic threatens animal life as well as human life. What can you do to help reduce plastic waste?

  • Nouns

    Quest 1–4



    Læringsløp om substantivLæringsløp om substantiv

  • Fiction

    Quest 1–4


    A Walk in the Forest

    Lesetekst om høstLesetekst om høst

    På tur i skogen en høstdag. Rød lesetekst.
  • Connor’s Conscience

    Stages 8–10


    Connor’s Conscience

    Connor posts about his life on social media, and especially on what he does to be more environmentally friendly.  Unit Focus working with words that are easily confused reading and creating social media texts which combine textual and visual information learning words and expressions having to do with sustainable consumption Connor posts about his life on social media, and especially on what he does to be more environmentally friendly.  Unit Focus working with words that are easily confused reading and creating social media texts which combine textual and visual information learning words and expressions having to do with sustainable consumption 

  • Meatless Monday

    Stages 8–10


    Meatless Monday

    Anna learns that meat consumption in the world is expected to double from 2000 to 2005 and suggests that the family replace one meal a week with a vegetarian alternative. Not everyone thinks this is a good idea.  Unit Focus practise listening skills taking about sustainable food consumption and environmental problems related to meat production working with idiomsAnna learns that meat consumption in the world is expected to double from 2000 to 2005 and suggests that the family replace one meal a week with a vegetarian alternative. Not everyone thinks this is a good idea.  Unit Focus practise listening skills taking about sustainable food consumption and environmental problems related to meat production working with idioms

  • Teenagers Taking Action

    Stages 8–10


    Teenagers Taking Action

    In this text, we meet four teenagers from different parts of the world who have found ways to be environmentally friendly.  Unit Focus learning words and expressions to describe environmental problems and solutions reading, writing and talking about environmental challenges and what we as individuals can do about them  gathering information, organising ideas and planning a five paragraph essayIn this text, we meet four teenagers from different parts of the world who have found ways to be environmentally friendly.  Unit Focus learning words and expressions to describe environmental problems and solutions reading, writing and talking about environmental challenges and what we as individuals can do about them  gathering information, organising ideas and planning a five paragraph essay

  • Adjectives and Prepositions

    Momente 2


    Adjectives Film

    Film om adjektiv.

  • Nouns and Articles

    Quest 5–7


    Nouns Song

    Sang om substantiv.

  • Songs

    Quest 5–7


    Tricky Verbs Rap

    Sangen "Tricky Verbs Rap".
