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5738 treff

  • The Arriver’s Tale

    Scope 1–2


    The Arriver’s Tale

    as told to Abdulrazak Gurnah

    Et boligkompleks i London, England
  • Chapter Resources

    Scope 1–2


    Short Version: Singapore – A Case Against Democracy?

    Below you can read a shorter version of the text “Singapore – A Case Against Democracy?”. 

  • Depp vs. Heard: Freedom of Expression in the Age of Social Media

    Scope 1–2


    Heard's op-ed

    Below, you will find a link to Amber Heard's op-ed fra 2018. US actor Johnny Depp arriving at the Fairfax County Circuit Court in Fairfax, Virginia, on April 13, 2022; and actress Amber Heard leaving the Fairfax County Circuit Court on April 11, 2022.

  • What Writing Is

    Scope 1–2


    What Writing Is

    Read the text below. Read the text below. 

    Illustrasjon av linjer som symboliserer tekst, en blyant et spørsmålstegn og en tenkeboble.
  • The Great Gatsby: Record and Reflect

    Scope 1–2


    Dialogue 3: “You can’t repeat the past”

    First check your vocabulary, then practice your lines and finally make a recording of the dialouge.  

  • The Best of Both Worlds?

    Scope 1–2


    Where Are You From?

    Listen to the sound file and answer the questions. 

  • Vær kreativ

    Kunst og håndverk 1–7


  • Vær kreativ

    Kunst og håndverk 1–7


  • Vær kreativ

    Kunst og håndverk 1–7


  • Inequality in the UK

    Scope 1–2


  • Vær kreativ

    Kunst og håndverk 1–7


  • Multicultural Societies

    Scope 1–2


    Multicultural Societies and Covid

    Consider the impact, both short term and long term, covid has had on western multicultural societies where one finds diaspora from the developing countries. 

  • Intercultural Communication

    Scope 1–2


    Hand Gestures

    You might think that the meaning of hand gestures is shared around the world. However, your compliment might be received as an insult in another culture, and vice versa.

  • Velkommen til Naturfag Påbygging

    Naturfag Påbygging



    Her finner du lærestoff til Naturfag Påbygging. Kapittelinndelingen er som i læreboka. Hvert kapittel inneholder blant annet interaktive oppgaver, forsøk og filmer. I tillegg finner du ressurser til utforskende arbeidsmetoder og programmering. Er du logget inn som lærer, finner du lærerressursene øverst på denne siden. Twig-filmer ligger nederst på siden.

  • The Arriver’s Tale

    Scope 1–2


    The Arriver’s Tale

    A refugee tale told to Noble Prize winner Abdulrazak Gurnah. as told to Abdulrazak Gurnah

    Et boligkompleks i London, England
  • Mat gjør kroppen glad!

    Fokus Sosialkunnskap


    Skriv oppskrift

    Innhold i et tverrfaglig opplegg om å skrive i alle fag.Innhold i et tverrfaglig opplegg om å skrive i alle fag.

    Gryte og matvarer som egg, fisk og grønnsaker.
  • Innhold

    Fokus Sosialkunnskap


    Om framstilling av funksjonshemmede i film og medier

    I dette undervisningsopplegget skal elevene utforske framstilling av funksjonshemmede i film og medier.

  • Inequality in the UK

    Scope 1–2



    Writing about inequality

  • Cancel Culture vs. Free Speech

    Scope 1–2


    7: Position Paper

    Write a position paper where you express your views on the issue of free speech vs. cancel culture. See guidelines for “Writing a Position Paper” on page 74 in Scope 1 .  

  • What Writing Is

    Scope 1–2


    What Writing Is

    Read the text below.