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  • The Blind Man and the Hunter

    Stages 8–10


    Creative Corner

    Get creative!

  • Kunstdetektivene



    Kunstdetektivene 2. Luxor-mysteriet

    Nummer 2 i serien Kunstdetektivene av Bjørn Sortland.

    Forhåndsvisning av bokomslag
  • Explore a School's Welder Workshop



    Informal vs. formal

    Communication is key, and it is important to consider your style of communication at work. Watch the video to your right as a starting point.

  • Gun Rights or Gun Control?

    Scope 1–2


    Before you read

    Read about the First and Second Amendment and do the vocabulary task below.

  • Explore a Paint Sprayer Workshop



    Connect what you have learned

    You have almost completed this learning path.  Now it is time to evaluate your learning and plan for future progress.

  • Activities

    Scope 1–2


    Treasure Hunt

    Do a treasure hunt for sweets and prepositions.

  • How different are American English vs. British English?



    Page 50: Which Words Are British and Which Are American?

    Below is a key to which words and expressions on page 50 are British English and which are American English. Read through the text first. Can you guess which is which?

  • All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

    Stages 8–10


    All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

    What are the most important things you learn at school? Do you agree with the author?What are the most important things you learn at school? Do you agree with the author?

  • Escape to Victory

    Stages 8–10


    Language Lab

    Language Lab

  • Summer 2021: A Political Sports Scene?

    Scope 1–2


    2 The Statements

    Divide the statements between the groups. Spend 15-20 minutes on finding arguments to support your view (affirmative or negative?).

  • Chapter test (pdf) FASIT

    Quest 1–4


  • Explore a kindergarten




    Ergonomics is the study of people in their working environment. The goal is to prevent discomfort and the risk of injury due to work.  You have been asked to  give a break talk about  ergonomics at the kindergarten to new employees. Use the 360 model of the kindergarten for help.

  • Pronouns

    Stages 8–10


    Pronouns relay race

    Your teacher will divide you into two relay teams. She will place a pronoun chart and colored markers at the end of the race area for each team. When the race starts, the first person on each team runs to the chart, fills in a missing pronoun form, and then runs back to their team. Then the next person runs to the chart. You choose which pronoun to fill in, but you can only write one pronoun each turn. The first team to complete their chart correctly wins! 

  • Space Dictionary

    Gente 8–10


    Space Dictionary


    Ordbok om verdensrommet
  • På engelsk



    Northern lights: The crow sisters

    The third book in the Northern lights series by Malin Falch.

    Forsiden til Northern lights: The crow sisters
  • World Records

    Quest 1–4


    World Records

    Before reading: Which world records do you know of?

  • Activities

    Scope 1–2


    You must not say NO

    The group asks ludicrous questions about a text you have read, and you are not allowed to say No. 

  • Banksy – The Secret Street Artist

    Stages 8–10


    Banksy – The Secret Street Artist

    Banksy is the  of a British . No one knows who he really is. His artwork can  anywhere, . People get excited each time a new Banksy work . Banksy uses his artwork to tell us something important. He makes the powerful images with  and spray paint.

  • Spring 2022 Mock Exam




    Application and CV

  • I begynnelsen var fortellingen



    Natur og kultur

    I villmarken har bjørnen alltid rett, og ulvene når de er mange nok. I naturen gjelder loven om at de som er best til å tilpasse seg, overlever. Dyrene har sine egne lover. Ulveflokken har ikke avstemning om en gammel, halt hann bør få leve en beskyttet tilværelse med flokken eller skal støtes ut for å dø. Svake individer har ikke livets rett.  Hvordan er det med menneskene? Hvilke lover gjelder for oss? I villmarken har bjørnen alltid rett, og ulvene når de er mange nok. I naturen gjelder loven om at de som er best til å tilpasse seg, overlever. Dyrene har sine egne lover. Ulveflokken har ikke avstemning om en gammel, halt hann bør få leve en beskyttet tilværelse med flokken eller skal støtes ut for å dø. Svake individer har ikke livets rett.  Hvordan er det med menneskene? Hvilke lover gjelder for oss?