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11 treff

  • Working with literature

    Scope 1–2

    Litterær tekst

    Short Story: “The Way up to Heaven”

    “The Way up to Heaven” was first published in The New Yorker in 1954. Below you will find a video of actor Tania Rodrigues reading the story. Listen to or read the text, and work with the accompanying tasks.

  • The Twits

    Stages 8–10


  • The Three Little Pigs

    Stages 8–10


    Three Little Pigs

    This poem takes a new look at an old fairy tale. 

  • Lamb to the Slaughter

    Stages 8–10


  • Terminprøve 9. trinn vår 2023



  • Forberedelsesmateriale 10. trinn




    Novellen «Dypfryst» er hentet fra samlingen Et hode kortere og andre hårreisende historier, opprinnelig utgitt på engelsk i 1953. Her møter vi Mary Maloney, som holder både hodet og andre ting kaldt ...

  • Terminprøve 8. trinn vår 2023




    Les «Språket» fra et øyeblikk noen tusen år  av Hege Siri.Les «Språket» fra et øyeblikk noen tusen år  av Hege Siri.

    Aurora Borealis, nordlys, Tromsø. Et menneske står utenfor teltet med armene strukket opp mot himmelen.
  • Terminprøve 8. trinn vår 2023




    Start Før du les Korleis trur du synet på joik og samisk kultur har forandra seg dei siste tiåra? Finn ut kva «fornorskingspolitikk» er.Start Før du les Korleis trur du synet på joik og samisk kultur har forandra seg dei siste tiåra? Finn ut kva «fornorskingspolitikk» er.

  • Terminprøve 9. trinn vår 2023




    Les «Språket» fra et øyeblikk noen tusen år  av Hege Siri.

    Aurora Borealis, nordlys, Tromsø. Et menneske står utenfor teltet med armene strukket opp mot himmelen.
  • The Witches

    Quest 5–7


    How to Recognise a Witch

    The Witches is a book written by the author Roald Dahl. The book is about a boy who lives with his Norwegian grandmother. The boy’s grandmother tells him the story about the witches and how they disguise themselves as lovely ladies, when they secretly want to get rid of all the children in the world. Luckily the boy and his grandmother know how to recognise these evil creatures, but can they get rid of them for good?The Witches is a book written by the author Roald Dahl. The book is about a boy who lives with his Norwegian grandmother. The boy’s grandmother tells him the story about the witches and how they disguise themselves as lovely ladies, when they secretly want to get rid of all the children in the world. Luckily the boy and his grandmother know how to recognise these evil creatures, but can they get rid of them for good?

  • The Three Little Pigs

    Stages 8–10


    Three Little Pigs

    This poem takes a new look at an old fairy tale. This poem takes a new look at an old fairy tale. 
