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Konspirasjonsteori og kritisk tenkningEt velfungerende demokrati er avhengig av en engasjert, opplyst og kritisk befolkning. Hvordan skal vi unngå å falle for konspirasjonsteoretisk tull og hysterisk hatprat mens vi gjør det?
The Witches
Quest 5–7
How to Recognise a WitchThe Witches is a book written by the author Roald Dahl. The book is about a boy who lives with his Norwegian grandmother. The boy’s grandmother tells him the story about the witches and how they disguise themselves as lovely ladies, when they secretly want to get rid of all the children in the world. Luckily the boy and his grandmother know how to recognise these evil creatures, but can they get rid of them for good?The Witches is a book written by the author Roald Dahl. The book is about a boy who lives with his Norwegian grandmother. The boy’s grandmother tells him the story about the witches and how they disguise themselves as lovely ladies, when they secretly want to get rid of all the children in the world. Luckily the boy and his grandmother know how to recognise these evil creatures, but can they get rid of them for good?
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Ytringsfrihet – en innføringHva er ytringsfrihet, og hvorfor er akkurat denne friheten så viktig?