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11483 treff

  • March, April

    Stages 8–10


    Earth Day

    What can you do to take care of the Earth?

  • Filosofi

    Store spørsmål 8–10


    Presentasjon: Dyrs rettigheter

    Finnes det dyr som er mer verdt enn andre? Hvorfor eller hvorfor ikke? Bør dyr ha de samme rettighetene som mennesker? Hvilke utfordringer ville det i så fall ført til?  Lag en presentasjon.

  • Bare én gud

    Store spørsmål 1–4


    Visste du at ...?

    Tekst i læringsløpet "Begynnelser".Tekst i læringsløpet "Begynnelser".

  • The Dragon and Saint George

    Stages 8–10


    Starting point

    Here are some keywords from the story. Translate each word into Norwegian. Then work with a partner and explain the words to each other in English. saint – cave – lagoon – vapour – luncheon commotion – lottery – stench – weep 

  • Born a Crime

    Stages 8–10


    Starting Point

    Find and watch a video clip where Trevor Noah explains why he was “born a crime”. Then explain to a partner in your own words how Noah was born a crime. Then do the task below.

  • Explore the Point of View in The Great Gatsby

    Scope 1–2


    Part 3: What if the point of view in The Great Gatsby shifted?

    As the saying goes, there are always two sides to every story. Keeping that in mind, consider the following: If F. Scott Fitzgerald had chosen a first-person-central point of view in this novel, where Gatsby was the one telling the story instead of Nick, what would be different? 

  • The Arriver’s Tale

    Scope 1–2


    The Arriver’s Tale

    as told to Abdulrazak Gurnah

    Et boligkompleks i London, England
  • A Boy’s Best Friend

    Stages 8–10


    Writing Workshop

    Write a paragraph about Jimmy. Start your paragraph like this: Jimmy is the main character in the science fiction story “A Boy’s Best Friend”. Here are some questions to get you going:

    En thumb for faktatekst. Den viser linjer til venstre og en blyant til høyre.
  • Årstider

    Store spørsmål 1–4


    Samenes årstider

    Tekst i læringsløpet "Årstider" i temaet "Årstider og kalendere"Tekst i læringsløpet "Årstider" i temaet "Årstider og kalendere"

  • Hvordan vet vi noe om Jesus?

    Store spørsmål 1–4


    Arkeologen forteller

    Oppgave i læringsløpet "Hvordan vet vi noe om Jesus?" i temaet "Fortellinger om Jesus"Oppgave i læringsløpet "Hvordan vet vi noe om Jesus?" i temaet "Fortellinger om Jesus"

  • Dialogues

    Quest 1–4


    Welcome Back to School!

    Tekst i læringsløpet "Back to School" i temaet "So Cool! Back to School".

  • Mange guder

    Store spørsmål 1–4



    Tekst i læringsløpet "Begynnelser".Tekst i læringsløpet "Begynnelser".

  • The British

    Stages 8–10


    Speaking Spot

    Explaining words Find the meanings of these words and prepare to explain them to your classmates: diversity melting pot multicultural unity justice equality ethnicity cultural background minority prejudice Ask your teacher for a set of flashcards. Sit in groups and take turns explainingthe words on the cards.

  • Chapter Resources

    Scope 1–2


    Short Version: Singapore – A Case Against Democracy?

    Below you can read a shorter version of the text “Singapore – A Case Against Democracy?”. 

  • Depp vs. Heard: Freedom of Expression in the Age of Social Media

    Scope 1–2


    Heard's op-ed

    Below, you will find a link to Amber Heard's op-ed fra 2018. US actor Johnny Depp arriving at the Fairfax County Circuit Court in Fairfax, Virginia, on April 13, 2022; and actress Amber Heard leaving the Fairfax County Circuit Court on April 11, 2022.

  • Min læring

    Store spørsmål 1–4


  • Lydfiler

    Stages 8–10



    Her finner du lydfiler til Stages 10.

  • Vaisakhi

    Store spørsmål 1–4


  • What Writing Is

    Scope 1–2


    What Writing Is

    Read the text below. Read the text below. 

    Illustrasjon av linjer som symboliserer tekst, en blyant et spørsmålstegn og en tenkeboble.
  • The Great Gatsby: Record and Reflect

    Scope 1–2


    Dialogue 3: “You can’t repeat the past”

    First check your vocabulary, then practice your lines and finally make a recording of the dialouge.