- Anne Tveit (90)
- Liv Guldal (87)
- Lucy Hermoza (52)
- Lars Gunnar Lingås (45)
- Synnøve Pettersen (45)
- Felicia Røkaas (42)
- Atle Skilbrei (35)
- Cathrine Borchsenius (28)
- Annelen Brastad (24)
- Øystein Haugsbø (23)
- Henrik Ibsen (21)
- Ukjent Forfatter (21)
- Ane Stavrum (18)
- Ida Knapstad (17)
- Siv Fjørtoft (17)
97 treff
Grip teksten
Litterær tekst
Gjengangere (utdrag)Her kan du lese et utdrag av dramaet Gjengangere av forfatter Henrik Ibsen.Her kan du lese et utdrag av dramaet Gjengangere av forfatter Henrik Ibsen.
Other verb tasks
Stages 8–10
Subject and verbMarker teksten-oppgave som trener identifisering av subjekt og verbal.
Following Boo
Stages 8–10
SpellingOppgave til kapittelet Amazing Animals i Stages 8.
Following Boo
Stages 8–10
CrosswordOppgave til kapittelet Amazing Animals i Stages 8.
Aschehoug univers
SpråkfageneTrenger du litt inspirasjon? Vi har samlet ferdige undervisningsopplegg klare til bruk i klasserommet.
Aschehoug univers
Ditt nye læringsuniversAschehoug Undervisnings fremste mål er å legge til rette for at du som lærer skal vekke nysgjerrigheten til elevene dine med utforskende læremidler.
Amazing stories
Stages 8–10
Litterær tekst
Reasons to Learn English
Stages 8–10
Reasons to Learn EnglishLook at the list. Do you agree that these reasons are good reasons? Are they the same reasons you discussed during the Starting Point task?
Smart Ice Cream
Aschehoug univers
SpellingInteraktiv oppgaveInteraktiv oppgave
Stages 8–10
Starting PointLook at the girl in the picture. What is she worried about? Write down your thoughts in a notebook.
The Three Little Pigs
Stages 8–10
Creative CornerCreative Corner Work in groups of six and role-play the story. You will need a narrator, the three little pigs, the wolf and Red Riding Hood.
Finding a Friend
Stages 8–10
Starting PointMake an acrostic poem for FRIEND. An acrostic poem uses the letters in a topic word to begin each line. Here is one for SCHOOL. S chedule C lasses H omework O rganization O pportunity L earning
Smart Ice Cream
Stages 8–10
Creative CornerWord Pyramids Can you create a word pyramid like this? Start with a single letter. Every word uses the same letter(s) as the word before and adds one more. Use one of these letters to start: O, E, A, U, I, G, M, N, S, T, W, P, H, B Example: A A N R A N R A I N B R A I NWord Pyramids Can you create a word pyramid like this? Start with a single letter. Every word uses the same letter(s) as the word before and adds one more. Use one of these letters to start: O, E, A, U, I, G, M, N, S, T, W, P, H, B Example: A A N R A N R A I N B R A I N
The World’s Oldest First Grader
Stages 8–10
Useful WordsNyttige ord.
Following Boo
Stages 8–10
Useful WordsNyttige ord til teksten "Following Boo" i kapittelet Amazing Animals i Stages 8.
Smart Ice Cream
Stages 8–10
Useful WordsUseful words, interaktiv oppgaveUseful words, interaktiv oppgave
Famous Animals
Stages 8–10
Creative CornerWork in groups. Which group can make the most animal names from these letters? F A P G I F T E P C R O D
Following Boo
Stages 8–10
VocabularyOppgave til kapittelet Amazing Animals i Stages 8.
Stages 8–10
Vote with your feet!The teacher will ask you some questions. Go to one side of the classroom if your answer is “yes” and move to the other side if your answer is “no”.
The Call of the Wild
Stages 8–10
Starting PointA dog is a man’s best friend, is a saying. Some people keep dogs just for pleasure and company, but other dogs have special jobs. What kind of “jobs” can dogs have? Write a list of your ideas.